Help birds to build a nest; collect different items that birds might use, such as twigs, moss, dry leaves and grass. Place them in separate small bowls in a sheltered area in your garden, and find out which is most popular for your local birds. 
Also, we've some ideas for nifty feeders: see how you get on and share them at #SRESatHome if you'd like to show us! 


1. Collect the materials you'll need to make your bird feeder. One apple, some seeds, string, and 2 skewers. 
2. Push the skewers CAREFULLY through the apple to make a cross. These make a perch for the birds to it on. 
3. Push the seeds in to the apple. 
4. Tie string to the skewers so that your bird feeder can be hung up. Tadaa! 


This one is super simple! Help birds build a nest, and see which material is most popular with your local birds. 
All you need to do is collect different items that birds might use to build a nest, such as twigs, moss, dry leaves and grass. Then simply place them in separate small bowls in a sheltered area in your garden. Here's one that Matt & Jo did earlier! 
If you'd like to download this, you can find it here: 
Tagged as: #SRESatHome
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