Posted on 22nd October 2020 at 17:13
Happy half term! I can’t believe that it’s already October and you’ve been back at school for almost two whole months already. As it's approaching half term, I've thought you might like a brand new spooky(ish) Stay Creative pack to sink your fangs in to... you can download it HERE.
So how are we all? I can’t tell you how much we are all missing your company at Ingestre this term; it feels very strange without you all there. Lots of things have been happening while you’ve been away - the bathrooms have all had a fresh coat of paint, the landings are looking much smarter due to the paintbrush skills of our fabulous domestic team (look at them rocking their boiler suits!) the whole house has had a deep clean, we’ve found all the cobwebs and flicked them all away.
"Grab your trusty stash of magazines and your glue stick..."

Jayne and Kaye have been working hard in the rooms above the kitchens where we store all the lost property, to create a new office and changing room for the kitchen staff; they’ve had a good old sort out and sent a lot of unclaimed clothing to Charity.
Mark and Marc have been very busy in the gardens and paths, pruning and weeding and giving things a “short back and sides” haircut, and we are busy making sure that when you are allowed to come back to visit us, that we’re all prepared with hand sanitiser stations, one-way systems and extra cleaning regimes to keep any germs at bay.
Doreen in the kitchen, has decided it’s time to put her feet up and has retired, we wish her a very happy and restful retirement; Julie got engaged and became a granny, twice!
Both Richard and I have had hair style changes - he’s gone for shaving it all off while I’ve managed to grow out my flicks and I look less like I’ve just got up... Did any of you have a lockdown hairstyle change or did you go crazy and dye it or shave it off? We can’t wait to see you all, new hairstyles and all.

I’ve been very busy delivering some online lessons (there’s another blog post about them and a video we made too, so make sure you have a little look at that...) obviously its going to go “viral” and I’ll be internet famous, so I’m hoping that some more of your schools will sign up to an online course with me beaming into your classroom to help you create some fabulous bits of artwork.
In the meantime, to keep you all busy and creative over half term, you’ll be pleased to see and hear that I’m back, with a spooky (ish) edition of the Stay Creative pack!
So, hold onto your pumpkins, run off and get your bobble hat for a walk outside, grab your trusty stash of magazines and your glue stick and we can get started! I know I can’t wait to be back in the studio creating art with you all, and this is the next best thing. So, keep your fingers crossed that residential visits can start back up soon, and let’s get some autumn art on the go.

Stay spooky, stay well, and stay creative,

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